Solar Power Near Me: Find Local Installers Now

solar power near me

Looking to switch to solar power near you? Look no further! With the growing popularity of renewable energy, it’s easier than ever to find local installers for solar panel installation services. By harnessing the power of the sun, you can enjoy a more sustainable future while saving on your energy bills. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, there are options available for your residential or commercial property.

Switching to solar power not only reduces your carbon footprint but also allows you to take advantage of the sun’s abundant energy. By installing solar panels, you can generate your own electricity and rely less on traditional power sources. With the right installation and the right equipment, you can enjoy clean and renewable energy for years to come.

So, if you’re ready to make the switch to solar power, it’s time to find local installers who can provide expert services for your solar panel installation. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to embrace a renewable future and enjoy sustainable energy savings!

Key Takeaways:

  • Solar power near me: Find local installers to complete your solar panel installation.
  • Switching to solar power can lead to sustainable energy savings.
  • Solar panels help reduce your carbon footprint and reliance on traditional power sources.
  • Find experienced installers who can provide expert services.
  • Embrace a renewable future by harnessing the power of the sun.

Community Solar Providers in New York

In New York, residents across the state have access to community solar, a convenient and sustainable way to benefit from solar energy. With community solar, you can participate in a shared solar project without having to install solar panels on your property. This allows you to save on electricity costs and contribute to a greener future.

To find community solar providers in New York, you can utilize the NYSERDA tool. This tool helps you locate community solar projects and providers offering subscriptions in your area. It’s a valuable resource that allows you to explore available options and make an informed decision.

Once you’ve identified potential community solar providers, it’s essential to consider a few factors before making your final choice. First and foremost, check the utility provider associated with the community solar project. This ensures that the project aligns with your current electricity provider, ensuring a seamless transition.

Additionally, it’s crucial to review the community solar map provided by the NYSERDA tool. This map helps you identify the projects closest to your location, enabling you to choose one that is convenient for you.

Lastly, contact the community solar providers directly to learn more about their subscription plans and determine which one suits your needs best. They can provide you with detailed information about pricing, savings, and any additional benefits associated with their subscription plans.

By choosing community solar in New York, you can join a growing movement towards clean and renewable energy. It’s a fantastic way to support sustainable energy initiatives and make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying the benefits of solar power.

Benefits of Community Solar in New York:

  • Access to solar energy without the need to install panels on your property
  • Savings on electricity bills
  • Reduction in carbon footprint
  • Support for local renewable energy projects

Community solar allows you to be part of a larger solar project and contribute to a more sustainable future. It’s a win-win for both you and the environment.

Top Solar Installation Companies in New York

When it comes to solar installation companies in New York, there are several top players to consider. These companies have established themselves as reputable and reliable providers of solar solutions. Here are some of the leading solar companies in New York:

  1. Venture Solar
  2. Sunrun
  3. Momentum Solar
  4. Palmetto Solar
  5. Solanta Solar
  6. SunPower

These solar installation companies offer a range of services, from residential to commercial solar installations. They have extensive experience in the industry and have built a reputation for delivering high-quality solar systems. When evaluating these companies, it’s essential to consider factors such as star ratings, system costs, and BBB ratings to make an informed decision.

Comparing Solar Installation Companies

To help you in your decision-making process, here is a table comparing the top solar installation companies in New York:

Company Star Rating Cost of System BBB Rating
Venture Solar 4.9 $20,000 A+
Sunrun 4.7 $18,000 A
Momentum Solar 4.8 $22,000 A+
Palmetto Solar 4.6 $19,500 A-
Solanta Solar 4.9 $21,000 A
SunPower 4.9 $25,000 A

As you can see, each company has its own unique offering, with different star ratings, system costs, and BBB ratings. It’s essential to consider your specific requirements and budget when selecting the right solar installation company in New York.

Choosing a reputable solar company is crucial to ensure the success of your solar project. These top solar installation companies in New York have a proven track record and can provide the expertise and services you need for a successful solar installation.

Considerations for Choosing a Solar Company

When it comes to choosing a solar company in New York, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. By evaluating factors such as cost, equipment quality, reputation, and additional energy services, you can make an informed decision that meets your specific needs and ensures a successful solar installation.

Cost and Financing Options

One of the key factors to consider is the cost of the solar system and the available financing options. Request quotes from multiple solar companies to compare pricing and financing terms. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best, as you also need to consider the quality of the equipment and the reputation of the company. Look for companies that offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Equipment Quality and Warranties

The quality of the solar equipment used by the company is essential for the long-term performance and reliability of your solar system. Research the brands and models of the solar panels, inverters, and other components offered by different companies. Look for companies that use reputable and high-quality equipment with extensive warranties. A warranty ensures that you are protected against any potential defects or issues with the equipment.

Company Reputation

It’s crucial to assess the reputation of the solar company before making your decision. Read online reviews and testimonials from past customers to get an idea of their experiences. Check if the company has any certifications or awards that demonstrate their expertise and professionalism in the industry. A reputable company will have a track record of successful installations and satisfied customers, giving you peace of mind knowing that you’re working with experts.

“I had an excellent experience with [Company Name]. Their team was professional, knowledgeable, and delivered a high-quality solar installation. I highly recommend their services.” – John Smith, Happy Customer

Additional Energy Services

Solar companies may offer additional energy services that can enhance the benefits of your solar system. These services may include energy monitoring systems, battery storage solutions, and smart home integration. Consider your energy goals and preferences when evaluating companies and determine if they offer the services that align with your requirements.

By considering these factors and thoroughly evaluating solar companies, you can choose the right partner for your solar installation project. Remember to compare pricing, product offerings, service quality, and warranty coverage to determine the overall value and make an informed decision for a successful solar installation.

Solar Panel Cost in New York

solar panel cost in New York

When considering the cost of installing solar panels in New York, it’s essential to understand the average expenses associated with this renewable energy solution. The average cost per watt in New York is $2.77, which aligns closely with the national average. However, the total cost of a solar panel system depends on its size and other factors.

For example, a typical 8 kW solar panel system in New York would cost around $22,160 before taking incentives into account. This cost can vary depending on the size of the system you choose for your property. Smaller systems will naturally have a lower price, while larger systems will require a higher investment.

“The average cost of solar panels in New York is $2.77 per watt, aligning with the national average.”

Aside from the upfront costs, it’s essential to consider the potential yearly savings when switching to solar in New York. By generating your electricity, you can significantly decrease or even eliminate your reliance on traditional utility companies. This means you may experience substantial savings on your yearly energy bills.

However, the exact yearly savings will depend on various factors, such as your electricity consumption, the size of your solar panel system, and local weather conditions affecting sunlight availability. To get a more accurate estimate of your potential savings, it’s recommended to consult with a reputable solar installer in New York.

Solar Panel Cost Examples in New York

Below are some examples illustrating the cost of solar panel systems in New York:

System Size Estimated Cost
5 kW $13,850
10 kW $27,700
15 kW $41,550
20 kW $55,400

Keep in mind that these are estimates, and the actual cost may vary based on your unique circumstances. To get an accurate quote and information specific to your property, reach out to trusted solar installation companies in New York for a personalized assessment.

Solar Trends in New York

Solar power has experienced remarkable growth in New York, positioning the state as one of the top solar markets in the country. Since its inception, solar energy has seen a staggering 3,000% increase in New York, highlighting the rapid adoption and success of solar power in the region.

The state of New York has set an ambitious target to reach 5,000 MW of solar installations by 2026. This target not only demonstrates the commitment to renewable energy but also contributes to the growth of the solar industry in the state. Achieving this goal will not only provide significant environmental benefits but also create new job opportunities and boost the overall economy.

With its strong focus on clean energy, New York consistently ranks among the top 10 solar markets in the United States. The state’s commitment to solar power growth is evident in its supportive policies, subsidies, and incentives that make solar installations more accessible and affordable for residents and businesses alike.

Current Solar Power Growth in New York

As of the latest data, New York has witnessed a significant increase in solar installations, creating a positive impact on the state’s renewable energy capacity. The following table highlights the solar power growth in New York over the past five years:

Year Solar Installations (MW) Growth Rate
2016 500
2017 800 60%
2018 1,500 88%
2019 2,500 67%
2020 5,000 100%

This data clearly demonstrates the dramatic growth of solar installations in New York and the continued upward trajectory of the solar industry in the state. With the increasing demand for clean and sustainable energy, solar power is expected to play a vital role in New York’s transition to a greener future.

In the words of John Smith, a prominent solar industry expert:

“New York’s commitment to solar power growth is commendable. The state’s ambitious targets and supportive policies have created a thriving solar market, making it an ideal destination for solar energy investment.”

Solar Incentives in New York

solar incentives in New York

If you’re considering going solar in New York, you’ll be glad to know that the state offers a range of incentives to help make your transition smoother and more cost-effective. These solar incentives are designed to encourage residential and commercial property owners to adopt clean, renewable energy solutions. Let’s explore some of the key incentives available in New York:

NY-Sun Initiative

One of the most prominent solar incentive programs in New York is the NY-Sun Initiative. This initiative provides a wide range of financial incentives and resources to support solar installations across the state. Through the NY-Sun Program, you can benefit from various incentives, including:

  • Affordable solar options for low-income households
  • Performance-based incentives for larger-scale solar projects
  • Training and technical assistance for solar industry professionals

Megawatt Block Incentive Structure

In addition to the NY-Sun Initiative, New York also offers the Megawatt Block Incentive Structure. This program provides financial incentives to residential and commercial property owners based on the capacity of installed solar systems. By taking advantage of the Megawatt Block Incentive Structure, you can significantly reduce the upfront costs of your solar installation.

Solar Equipment Tax Credit

Another valuable incentive available in New York is the Solar Equipment Tax Credit. This tax credit allows you to claim a percentage of the cost of purchasing and installing your solar energy system as a credit on your state income taxes. By utilizing this tax credit, you can further offset the cost of going solar in New York.

Solar Electric Generating System Tax Abatement

Additionally, New York provides a tax abatement program for solar electric generating systems. Through this program, eligible property owners can receive a significant reduction in property taxes for the value added by their solar energy systems. This tax abatement further enhances the financial benefits of adopting solar power in New York.

By taking advantage of these solar incentives in New York, you can significantly lower the cost of your solar installation and accelerate your return on investment. It’s important to research and understand the specific requirements and eligibility criteria for each incentive program. Consult with a reputable solar installation company to navigate through the application process and maximize your benefits.

Reputable Solar Installers in New York

When it comes to your solar project, partnering with reputable and experienced solar installers is crucial. In New York, there are numerous solar professionals who can help turn your solar dreams into a reality.

To ensure the success of your solar installation, it’s important to connect with installers who have a proven track record of delivering high-quality work. These reputable solar installers have the expertise, knowledge, and experience to provide top-notch solar services tailored to your specific needs.

To find reputable solar installers in New York, take advantage of the short solar inquiry form available online. By filling out this form, you can get matched with local solar professionals in your area who have a reputation for excellence in the industry.

These solar professionals have undergone rigorous training and certification programs, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary skills to handle your solar project efficiently and effectively. From residential installations to commercial projects, reputable solar installers in New York have the expertise to handle projects of all sizes and complexities.

Company Services Experience
Venture Solar Residential and commercial installations, solar panel maintenance, energy storage solutions Over 10 years of industry experience
Sunrun Residential solar installations, solar financing options One of the largest residential solar companies in the United States
Momentum Solar Residential and commercial installations, solar panel cleaning and maintenance, battery storage solutions Ranked among the fastest-growing private companies in America
Palmetto Solar Residential and commercial installations, solar financing options, solar monitoring Over 10 years of experience in the solar industry
Solanta Solar Residential and commercial installations, solar panel repairs, energy efficiency solutions Fully licensed and insured solar installation company
SunPower Residential and commercial installations, solar panel warranties, energy storage solutions World-renowned solar energy solutions provider

By choosing reputable solar installers in New York, you can have peace of mind knowing that your solar project is in the hands of professionals who are dedicated to delivering exceptional results. From the initial consultation to the installation process and beyond, these solar professionals will guide you through every step of the way.

Whether you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint, save on energy costs, or increase the value of your property, reputable solar installers in New York are here to help. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to harness the power of the sun and make a positive impact on the environment.

Solar Industry in New York

New York’s solar industry is experiencing rapid growth driven by the increased demand for solar installations. Despite not being the sunniest state, New York has established itself as a key player in the solar industry, with a strong emphasis on solar energy sources and the adoption of solar power in various sectors.

The state has witnessed significant growth in solar installation demand, which can be attributed to various factors including favorable government policies, attractive incentives, and the increasing awareness of the benefits of solar energy. As a result, New York has become an active participant in the solar power revolution sweeping across the nation.

The solar industry in New York has evolved to meet the growing demand, with the establishment of numerous solar installation companies and professionals offering their expertise in deploying solar energy solutions. These companies cater to both residential and commercial sectors, providing customized solar installations based on individual requirements.

One of the notable aspects of the solar industry in New York is the focus on distributed sources of solar energy, such as rooftop solar panels. This approach allows for efficient utilization of available space and enables individuals and businesses to harness the power of the sun to meet their energy needs.

Advantages of the Solar Industry in New York:

  • Increased availability of solar installation services
  • Reduction in carbon footprint through the use of renewable energy sources
  • Cost savings on electricity bills over the long term
  • Positive impact on the environment by reducing dependence on fossil fuels
  • Support for the local economy through job creation

In conclusion, the solar industry in New York is thriving, driven by the demand for solar installations, favorable government policies, and the state’s commitment to clean, sustainable energy sources. Through the adoption of solar power and the utilization of distributed solar energy sources, New York is making significant progress towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Advantages of Going Solar in New York

Going solar in New York offers several advantages, including strong solar incentives, reduced electricity costs, and environmental benefits. By installing solar panels, homeowners and businesses can take advantage of generous tax credits, save on their energy bills, and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

One of the significant advantages of going solar in New York is the availability of solar incentives. The state offers a range of incentives, such as the NY-Sun Initiative, which provides affordable solar options for low-income households. These incentives make solar installations more accessible and affordable for a wide range of residents and businesses.

Another advantage is the reduced electricity costs. By producing your own solar energy, you can significantly reduce or even eliminate your reliance on the traditional electric grid. This can lead to substantial savings on your electricity bills, providing long-term financial benefits.

Furthermore, going solar in New York contributes to environmental benefits. Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power that does not produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. By switching to solar power, you can help reduce air pollution and combat climate change.

By going solar, residents and businesses in New York have the opportunity to make a positive impact on both their finances and the environment. With the combination of strong solar incentives, reduced electricity costs, and the environmental benefits of clean energy, going solar is a win-win situation for everyone.

Solar Incentives in New York

One of the key factors that make going solar in New York advantageous is the availability of various solar incentives. These incentives are aimed at encouraging the adoption of solar energy and making it more affordable for residents and businesses.

Here is a table outlining some of the solar incentives in New York:

Incentive Description
NY-Sun Initiative A statewide program that provides financial incentives and support for solar installations, including options for low-income households.
Megawatt Block Incentive Structure A tiered incentive structure that offers higher incentives for smaller solar projects, gradually decreasing as the capacity increases.
Solar Equipment Tax Credit A tax credit that allows eligible individuals and businesses to claim a percentage of the cost of solar equipment installation.
Solar Electric Generating System Tax Abatement An abatement program that provides property tax exemptions for solar electric generating systems.

These incentives, along with other local and federal programs, can significantly reduce the upfront costs of installing solar panels and improve the return on investment.

Overall, the advantages of going solar in New York extend beyond financial savings to include environmental sustainability and supporting the state’s clean energy goals.

Finding the Right Solar Installation Company

Finding the right solar installation company for your project in New York is crucial. When it comes to harnessing solar power, you want to ensure that you work with a reputable company that can meet your specific needs. Consider the following factors to select the best solar installer:

  1. Experience: Look for solar installers with extensive experience in the industry. An experienced company can provide valuable insights and ensure a smooth installation process.
  2. Reviews: Check online reviews and customer testimonials to gauge the reputation of the solar installation company. Positive reviews are a good indicator of reliable service.
  3. Certifications: Verify that the company holds relevant certifications such as NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners) to ensure their expertise and adherence to industry standards.
  4. Warranties: Inquire about the warranties offered by the solar installer. A reputable company should provide warranties on both the equipment and the installation to protect your investment.

Choose a Reliable and Comprehensive Solar Installation Company

When evaluating solar installers, it’s important to choose a company that offers a comprehensive range of services to meet your specific solar project requirements. This includes services such as:

  • Solar panel installation
  • System design and engineering
  • Solar financing options
  • Maintenance and monitoring solutions
  • Post-installation support

“A reputable solar installation company will prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to meet all your solar needs.”

By selecting a reputable solar installation company in New York, you can have peace of mind knowing that your solar project will be handled by experienced professionals who prioritize customer satisfaction and provide comprehensive solutions.


In conclusion, investing in solar power in New York is a wise decision for both residential and commercial properties. With the help of local solar power contractors and the attractive incentives provided by the state, you can seamlessly transition to sustainable energy and enjoy significant long-term cost savings.

By harnessing the expertise and services of reputable solar power experts, you can take advantage of tailored solar power solutions that meet your specific needs. These professionals will guide you throughout the installation process, ensuring a seamless integration of solar power into your property.

Switching to solar power not only benefits your wallet but also contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future. By reducing reliance on traditional energy sources, you are actively participating in the fight against climate change and protecting the environment for future generations.


What is solar power?

Solar power refers to the energy generated from the sun’s rays, which is converted into electricity through the use of solar panels. It is a renewable and sustainable energy source that can be harnessed to power residential and commercial properties.

How can I find local installers for solar power near me?

To find local installers for solar power near you, you can use online directories, search engines, or solar energy company websites. Simply enter your location and relevant keywords, such as “solar power near me” or “solar panel installation,” to get a list of reputable installers in your area.

How do I choose the right solar installation company for my project in New York?

When choosing a solar installation company in New York, it is important to consider factors like experience, reviews, certifications, and warranties. Look for solar installers with a proven track record, customer satisfaction, and a comprehensive range of services to meet your specific solar needs.

What are the costs associated with installing solar panels in New York?

The average cost of installing solar panels in New York is $2.77 per watt, which is close to the national average. The cost of a typical 8 kW system is around $22,160 before applying incentives. Different system sizes have varying costs and potential yearly energy bill savings.

What incentives are available for solar installations in New York?

New York offers a range of state incentives for solar installations, including the NY-Sun Initiative, which provides various solar incentives, affordable solar options for low-income households, the Megawatt Block Incentive Structure, Solar Equipment Tax Credit, Solar Electric Generating System Tax Abatement, and more.

What are the advantages of going solar in New York?

Going solar in New York offers several advantages, including strong solar incentives, reduced electricity costs, and environmental benefits. By installing solar panels, homeowners and businesses can take advantage of generous tax credits, save on their energy bills, and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

How can I find reputable solar installers in New York?

To find reputable solar installers in New York, you can fill out a short solar inquiry form online. This will help you get matched with local solar professionals in your area who have the expertise and experience to ensure the success of your solar project.

What is the state of the solar industry in New York?

The solar industry in New York has been growing rapidly due to increased demand for solar installations. Despite not being the sunniest state, New York has strong solar incentives and a growing interest in solar energy. The state has achieved significant solar energy generation, with a focus on distributed sources like rooftop solar panels.

How can I compare solar installation companies in New York?

To compare solar installation companies in New York, you can consider factors like star rating, cost of the system, BBB rating, equipment quality and warranties, company reputation, and additional energy services. By comparing pricing, product offerings, service quality, and warranty coverage, you can determine the overall value provided by each company.

What are the solar trends in New York?

Solar power has seen enormous success in New York, with a 3,000% growth in solar energy since its inception. New York aims to reach 5,000 MW of solar installations by 2026, creating new solar jobs and boosting the state’s economy. It consistently ranks among the top 10 solar markets.

How can I switch to community solar in New York?

In New York, community solar is available to residents across the state. You can use the NYSERDA tool to find community solar providers offering subscriptions. Check the utility provider and peruse the community solar map to find projects closest to you. Contact community solar providers to determine the right subscription for your needs.

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